Trash Value Challenge Hungary

Trash Value Challenge Hungary

Design, create, take action! The UKids program was joined by ELTE University Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education in unison with its educational partner institution ELTE Gyertyánffy István Practicing Primary School in Hungary. 

The Practicing School has a long tradition focusing on projects that lead to sustainable and environmental friendly behavior but this was the first time that there was a conscious focus on the element of the children's entrepreneurial skills. Another new feature of this project was that beside the kids, the parents and practicing educators also students of the University took part.

The 4th graders started the challenge by filling out a planner booklet in which they were guided by a little mouse, Levi. In this they could gather their past knowledge and new ideas in the topic. After that they made new usable objects by finding and recycling materials that were intended to be thrown away. They then showcased their designs and final objects in groups. Finally, they evaluated their own presentation, their process of learning and the future benefits of their newly gained knowledge.

What were the results? 

  • Through the joy of creative design, the children deepened their knowledge of global problems such as pollution, climate catastrophes, sustainability, waste treatment and their social sensitivity, communication skills and social connections had developed.  
  • University students experienced the educators' role of supporting the children and acting as a guide in learning new values.
  • Educators took an active part in sharing their newly gained knowledge with other members of the teaching staff.

A nice example

Most of the children made objects that they could use in their immediate environment and that are linked to their school lives such as: pencil case from jeans, paper roller, plush animal and textile; they also made a mobile phone case, night lamp, jewelry, toys. They keenly used digital tools during the making of their projects and a lot of them took photos to capture their phases of design and creation.

A short story

The last question of the planner booklet was this: If you could teach three things to someone from this challenge, what would those be? The answers were the following: The saving of the planet is most important! It's easier working together, than alone! Don't be afraid of the task once you started it, it will be easy!



HU_Empathy challenge Gyertyanffy Hungary.jpg


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