Trash Value Challenge Portugal

Trash Value Challenge Portugal

The Trash Value Challenge is part of the UKids Project and was developed by our 3rd and 4th grade classes. School, students, parents and the community have been involved on this project with the main purpose of starting to recycle in our school.

Assignment description.

Teachers, students and families have been challenged to separate their daily trash and to use it to create art pieces. After that, the school organized a Trash Fair to sell the objects and used the money to buy proper trash cans to the school and start recycling.

What were the results?

Everyone got involved on this challenge and children have created a lot of art pieces. 4th grade students developed robots and 3rd grade students developed games. After the fair, the school was able to buy the trash cans and started to recycle.

A nice example

Children designed their projects before starting to build the objects. Children helped each other and shared materials collected at school and at home.

A short story

Children created games that other colleges used on playground. After that, other children started to build the same games.


13 JAN


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